Thursday 3 October 2013

I arrived yesterday in Chengdu.
In the train, I met a chinese girl who was speaking in english.
All the people sitting next to me asked her to translate their questions.
The topics of the questions were about salary, pension, French romanticism, ... .
I answered to the questions for 4 hours.
They also offered me food.

I also met a chinese boy who is music teacher.
He helped me to buy my train ticket to go to Guilin.
He also took me up to my accommodation with his girlfriend's car.
Fortunately, otherwise I would never found it by myself.

My accommodation is located in a building on the 30th floor.
The top view is quite nice.
People who work there are very nice.
They invited me several times to eat with them for free.

Today, I went to the Research Base Of Giant Panda Breeding.
I met 2 chinese boys in the bus to go there.
We visited the Research Base Of Giant Panda Breeding together and we went to the city center to eat something.
They also offered me the lunch.

French people should take example to welcome foreigners in their country.


  1. He ben, c'est la première fois que j'ai envie de visiter la Chine !
    Merci de nous partager tout ça Olivier, on te suit :p

    A bientot ;)

    OMG, that's the first time i have the desire to discover China.
    Thanks you Oliver, to share all this Stuff, we are FOLLOWING U !

    C U


  2. Josée (collègue de travail de Catherine)9 October 2013 at 11:42

    Bonjour Olivier, quelle excellente idée d'avoir créé ce blog qui nous permet de profiter un peu aussi du voyage. Je me régale avec toutes ces photos. En tous cas bonne continuation pour ce long périple que je suivrai virtuellement avec beaucoup de plaisir.

  3. Salut Olivier,
    cool de t'avoir eu au téléphone tout a l'heure,
    et oui toutes ces photos sont trop belles!!!
    on te suit de près du coup...
    Prends soin de toi quand même tout la bas!

    Bonjour du taf ;)

    Thomas (Wifi lol)
